Our clinic has been closed for a month and I hope you and your family are healthy. It’s hard trying to keep yourself busy and avoid boredom when you are self-isolating.

With the nice weather finally here, I figured it was time to put our winter clothing and boots away. All of the big, puffy coats have been washed and stored in the spare closet and except for a couple of pairs of mitts and lighter toques, everything else has been laundered and stored away.

Next, I tackled the winter boots, because let’s be optimistic we won’t have any more snow! First, I took out any orthotics and then used a vinegar:water solution to spray clean the uppers and soles of the boots.

As a Pedorthist, good footwear is important and I take good care of them so they last longer. I store my boots in a Rubbermaid like bin, which is wide and deep to fit the different kinds of boots I wear. Then I was able to organize my shoe shelf in the garage – we often enter through the garage so it makes sense for us to organize them here.

If you are home and Spring Cleaning, don’t forget about your footwear!

Have fun and stay healthy!